Unhelpful teachings…Important note

I realise that for some, the idea that we, the Church go through the time of tribulation does not sit well because they understand that time to be a time of punishment for unbelievers. Tribulation is pressure, not punishment. It is pressure designed to bring people to their senses and open their hearts to theirContinue reading “Unhelpful teachings…Important note”

Unhelpful teaching – part 1 of 2

Very shortly after I became a Christian I went to the Middle East to work for nearly 5 years. Whilst there I made friends with quite a number of other believers, some from the U.K. and some from the States. We spent much time listening to cassette teaching tapes (it was the 80’s!) and discussingContinue reading “Unhelpful teaching – part 1 of 2”

Revival – What is the truth?

Happy New Year to everyone. This is slightly longer than usual – about a 10 minute read. I hope it’s thought provoking as we enter the year ahead. Get yourself a cuppa and sit down….. Wherever I go in Christian circles these days I hear talk of revival. I have titled this blog ‘Revival –Continue reading “Revival – What is the truth?”

I’ll make my heart a home.

In 2 Chronicles we can read about how King Solomon built the first Temple, in Jerusalem. It’s an extraordinary story of how a King who loved God had the honour of building a dwelling place for Him and how when it was completed, God manifested His Glory and Presence there. The temple itself was unique.Continue reading “I’ll make my heart a home.”