The Church and the world

Conquering the world is not the church’s mission. Providing an alternative way of living is our mission. The aim is not to make the nation “Christian”. Some Christians in this country get very hung up on some of this stuff. They fret about whether the next Sovereign of the UK  will be a Christian or not, they probe to establish the Christian credentials of our Prime Minister and other leaders, they fear that a lack of Christian assemblies in schools heralds the downfall of the young generation. They are missing the point. They are looking for society to do the job of the Church. They want the Queen (or future King) to ‘be a witness to the nation’. They want Christian politicians so that they can see a Christian agenda in politics that will make the nation “Christian” and “God-fearing” again. They want Christian assemblies in schools in order to reach the next generation, probably because they recognise that the church isn’t. Whilst it is a pleasant bonus to have leaders who are believers, it is not the responsibility of rulers and politicians and teachers to establish the Kingdom of God. It’s our job. We don’t use the methods of the world to establish the kingdom.

We can learn from Israel.

Israel was commanded to be different from the other nations. God told them to live and to organise themselves in such a way that the surrounding nations would see that they were different because the Lord was their God. They were not told to go and conquer and subjugate the world. Neither are we to conquer or subjugate society. We create an alternative parallel society, and when we do it properly, millions will want to have what we have, enjoy what we enjoy and will readily bow the knee to Jesus alongside us.